Pop Hub Booths!. Pop Hub Booths: veiligere en groenere haltes
The Pop Hubs project aims to make tram stops in Rotterdam safer, greener and more social by increasing social cohesion and a sense of safety. We do this by implementing principles of environmental psychology that discourage crime by communicating to potential perpetrators that these are places owned and cared for by the community! The initiative reimagines transit stops; transforming them from transitional waiting areas to engaging places. It achieves this transformation by making design additions based on scientific research on how green elements, soothing sounds and clever use of lighting increase feelings of safety. These elements can be mixed and matched to achieve the desired solution by the community. They are delivered in a user-friendly and accessible way by providing a ready-to-implement package containing a range of thoughtfully designed interventions (think of plant potters, mood lights or the help button which connects to authorities all tailored to a tram stop). The PopHubBooths will be sourced as locally sourced as possible! Therefore, the package will provide information regarding local talent and businesses that can be viable partners in implementing these stop renovations. These packages can be commissioned by different ‘Wijkraden’ according to their specific needs, with the flexibility to be installed independently, (like an IKEA solution for tram stops!). Each intervention is designed to enhance the tram stop without compromising its functional purpose, resistant to vandalism and different weather conditions. This modular approach presents a revolution to how we plan and design transit stops. PopHubBooths provide a safe space for vulnerable groups in the public space, particularly victims of street harassment in Rotterdam. This initiative aims to see an increase in public transport usage; the lack of safety around these stops is a big deterrent. These “pop-up” stops create a sense of community by involving residents in the implementation process, giving them a sense of ownership. Through collaboration with the Wijkraden, we will incorporate features to ensure that the stops are designed by and for the people of the community. The initial focus will be on three locations perceived by Rotterdam residents as dangerous and avoided at night (Zuidplein, Eerste Middellandstraat and Nieuwe Binnenweg). These locations have been chosen due to the concentration of reports of women feeling unsafe at these particular locations via this research. About us The Future Mobility Network is a team focused on sustainable mobility solutions. With expertise in city logistics, traffic management and public space projects, we are well positioned to implement and evaluate pilots. Our goal is to transform Rotterdam into a city where mobility and public space contribute to a safe and connected community. Most team members, including the management, live in Rotterdam, which strengthens our connection to the city. We are a small but growing company committed to accessible and safe sustainable mobility. Our personal experiences with waiting at stops motivate us to contribute to solutions. We are also part of the entrepreneurial community through our test facility, the Future Mobility Park. To develop this further, support from CityLab010 can help us expand the pilots to other locations, gather user feedback and make the project scalable to other parts of the city.